Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site
Supplementary planning document
Telford & Wrekin Council and Shropshire Council consulted on a draft Supplementary Planning Document which aims to protect and conserve the Outstanding Universal Value of the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site (IGWHS). The consultation took place between 9 January 2023 and 20 February 2023. The consultation has now closed.
The IGWHS spreads over 550 hectares with roughly three quarters sitting within the administrative boundary of Telford & Wrekin Council, and roughly a quarter within the Shropshire Council administrative boundary.
UNESCO awarded the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site status in 1986 in recognition of the areas record of innovation during the Industrial Revolution. As such, the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site is an internationally recognised area of Outstanding Universal Value. Outstanding Universal Value means cultural and/or natural significance which is so exceptional as to transcend national boundaries and to be of common importance for present and future generations of all humanity.
The Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site is also a designated conservation area (Severn Gorge Conservation Area) and contains over 375 listed buildings of which two are Grade 1 and eighteen are Grade 2* listed. In addition, there are 7 Scheduled Monuments including the Iron Bridge itself, as well as numerous sites designated for the protection of habitats and species.
The key purpose of this SPD is to provide additional guidance to existing and emerging Development Plan policies for both Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire Council’s protecting and enhancing the Outstanding Universal Value of the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site. This SPD is therefore intended to be used as a material consideration on relevant planning applications within the WHS and, where appropriate, within its’ setting.
The Supplementary Planning Document clarifies why the protection of the Outstanding Universal Value is of such importance and it will form part of a suite of documents including the aforementioned Development Plans and the World Heritage Site Management Plan that set out how the area will be protected and managed.
World Heritage Sites are sites, places, monuments or buildings of “Outstanding Universal Value” to the international community, including its current and future generations. The protection of a World Heritage Site is the responsibility of national governments. Being a signature to the convention is a commitment by the government to identify, protect, preserve and conserve their World Heritage Sites for future generations.
This section explains the purpose, aims and objectives of the IGWHS SPD. It also provides useful information about the IGWHS itself, including an introduction to the concept and importance of the Outstanding Universal Value of the IGWHS which is expanded upon later in the document.
Description of the World Heritage Site:
The purpose of this chapter is to give a more detailed background of IGWHS including the boundary, main access routes, views and setting.
Outstanding Universal Value, Integrity, Authenticity and Attributes of Outstanding Universal Value:
The IGWHS is an important area that has a number of globally unique attributes that demonstrates the Outstanding Universal Value that must be protected.
The purpose of this section is to clearly outline the terminology associated with the Outstanding Universal Value of the IGWHS, allowing users of the document to work more effectively to ensure the continued preservation and conservation of the IGWHS.
Planning Context:
This section details both national and local planning policy and includes a short background on all the documents that Telford & Wrekin Council and Shropshire Council would need to consider, relevant to the WHS, when considering planning applications in their respective areas. This includes Local Development Plans and Neighbourhood Development Plans.
Conservation, Heritage and Planning Controls:
In addition to planning policy contained within the Local Development Plan (and Neighbourhood Plans) and guidance within supporting documents such as this SPD, there are a number of other conservation, heritage and planning controls that help protect the WHS and Severn Gorge Conservation Area, and these are covered within this section. This includes matters such as Listed Building status and conservation area status for the Severn Gorge.
Making Planning Decisions in the IGWHS:
This section sets out the forms of development considered appropriate within the IGWHS and seeks to provide guidance (expanded upon within Annex 2 of the document) to assist individuals considering undertaking development within the IGWHS. It then goes on to document what development or change is considered to negatively affect the Outstanding Universal Value of the IGWHS, covering the conditions of authenticity, integrity and the impact on the attributes which contribute to the Outstanding Universal Value, this is so applications can avoid these elements. This is intended to assist owners, applicants and agents in formulating planning applications that will be more likely to be supported by both Telford & Wrekin Council and Shropshire Council.
Submitting a Planning Application in the IGWHS:
This section outlines the process for submitting an application in the IGWHS beginning from initial evidence gathering through to post determination. The section also covers details of enforcement and planning fees.
Annex 1 Characteristic Views of Severn Gorge Settlements:
This is a diagram illustrating the location of characteristic views in the WHS.
Annex 2 Guidance for Development in the IGWHS:
This Annex provides practical guidance for development within the IGWHS in terms of its impact on the Outstanding Universal Value of the IGWHS. The starting point for decision makers remains the relevant adopted development plan policies of the Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire Local Plans respectively, but this SPD provides additional guidance to support the implementation of these policies. This section covers guidance on; extensions and alterations to buildings, measures to address climate change, maintenance and development of Infrastructure as well as development that affects the setting of the WHS.
Next steps
The consultation has now closed.
All responses received will be analysed and reviewed and any amendments will be made to the IGWHS SPD.
The final document will then be considered by both Telford & Wrekin Council and Shropshire Council Cabinets for adoption. Following adoption it will then be used to determine any planning applications for development within the IGWHS.
Consultation on the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site Supplementary Planning Document (IGWHS SPD)
What is the IGWHS SPD?
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) explain and help interpret policies in a Council’s Local Plan. An adopted SPD is a material consideration when the Council is determining planning applications. In this case the SPD will be a material consideration in both Telford & Wrekin Council and Shropshire Council.
The overarching aim of this SPD is to provide guidance for protecting and enhancing the Outstanding Universal Value of the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site (IGWHS), preventing loss through deterioration and disappearance of its heritage value, whilst providing a consistent set of guidelines to help businesses and residents play their part in maintaining what makes the IGWHS so universally special.
Does the IGWHS create new policy?
The SPD does not create any new policy in relation the IGWHS. The purpose of it is to provide guidance to supplement adopted policies in the Telford & Wrekin Council and Shropshire Council adopted local plans.
Although SPDs cannot create new policy, they are a material planning consideration when a Council (as the decision maker) determines a planning application.
What will the IGWHS SPD cover?
Through the adoption of the IGWHS SPD, Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire Council will look to safeguard the historic nature and setting of the IGWHS and protect its Outstanding Universal Value. This SPD explains the importance of the IGWHS’s Outstanding Universal Value and the technical terms that come alongside this in understanding its significance.
This SPD will also outline the relevant planning policy from the National Planning Policy Framework and Guidance, as well as Local Policy for both Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire. The SPD will also cover the conservation, heritage and planning controls including the Severn Gorge Conservation Area and Article 4 Direction.
The SPD then reflects on making planning decisions as well as submitting a planning application in the IGWHS. Within the Appendices the SPD then sets out guidance for development relating to:
- ground Instability
- contaminated Land
- new development
- alterations to existing buildings
- maintenance and development of infrastructure
- development affecting the setting.
Does the IGWHS SPD allocate any land for development?
The aim of this SPD is to provide guidance for protecting and enhancing the Outstanding Universal Value of the IGWHS.
The document does not allocate any land for housing or employment development or any other form of development.
Why is this a joint document between both Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire Council?
The IGWHS boundary falls within both Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin spreading over 550 hectares, with roughly three quarters sitting within the administrative boundary of Telford & Wrekin Council, and roughly a quarter within the Shropshire Council administrative boundary. This means it is the responsibility of both Councils to protect and enhance the IGWHS.
Through the adoption and implementation of this SPD, Telford & Wrekin Council and Shropshire Council will look to achieve the following objectives:
- Safeguarding the historic nature and setting of the IGWHS and protecting its Outstanding Universal Value;
- Enhancing existing and proposed development to the benefit of the IGWHS whilst maintaining its Outstanding Universal Value;
- Allowing planners and developers to fully understand the impact of the IGWHS and its international value; and
- Raising design standards to achieve the best possible implementation of new development whilst achieving appropriate alterations to existing developments.
Why is it important and does this affect me?
World Heritage Sites (WHS) are sites, places, monument or buildings of Outstanding Universal Value to the international community, including its current and future generations. Having effective guidance in place, allows change to be carefully managed and where possible avoids adverse impacts in the IGWHS, whilst ensuring opportunities for positive improvements that will safeguard the heritage assets for those working, living and visiting the area and for future generations.
What happens now the consultation has ended?
Following the public consultation period, responses received will be analysed and reviewed and any amendments will be made to the IGWHS SPD.
The final document will then be considered by both Telford & Wrekin Council and Shropshire Council Cabinets for adoption. It will then be used to determine any planning applications for development within the IGWHS.
If you have any further questions please contact [email protected] or either of the following:
Strategic Planning team
Telford & Wrekin Council
PO BOX 457
Wellington Civic Offices
TF2 2FH.
Telephone: 01952 384241
Email: [email protected]
Planning Services
Shropshire Council
PO BOX 4826
Telephone: 03846 789004
Email: [email protected]